Recompiling System Libraries

In case the combination of vendor tool library and Active-HDL version is different then use the steps below.

This section describes a procedure for updating (recompiling) vendor libraries. The typical reasons for recompiling a vendor library are:

  • Usage of newer (or older) versions of the sources from which the library was created.

  • If the library was created with an older version of the compiler and you must recompile it to make it usable.

To update a library, follow the procedure described below:

  1. Start Active-HDL. Do not open an existing or new design/workspace.

  2. Click File | Open. In the Open dialog box, locate the folder in which the library you want to update resides. Libraries are stored in the \Vlib subfolder of the Active-HDL installation folder. The specific library folder should contain the *.adf file for a temporary design that includes all source files the library is built from. Select this file and then click Open to open the design as shown in figure 1 below.

    Figure 1

  3. When the design loads, the Design Browser should look as in the Figure 2.

    Figure 2

  4. Right click on the .do file and Execute. The macro file automates the process of recompiling the library for the current Active-HDL version.

  5. If the operation is successful, the console should display the following message -

    Compile success 0 Errors 0 Warnings  Analysis time :  9.0 [s]
    setlibrarymode -ro unisim

The library is now comptabile with the current Active-HDL version and can be used for simulation purposes. If you choose to move the library to a different version of Active-HDL then follow the above steps in that version.

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