How to calculate average frequency of edges between two events on the waveform


There are two methods of calculating the average frequency:

  1. Users can use timing cursors which help measure the distance between events, and navigate through waveforms in the Accelerated Waveform Viewer window.

    NOTE: For additional information on timing cursors, refer to the Active-HDL User Guide under: Tools | Waveform Viewer |Accelerated Waveform Viewer Window | Timing Cursors

  2. Users can insert measurements into the Waveform View pane. To insert a measurement, select the Measurement Mode option, and drag the mouse cursor between two events.

    NOTE: For additional information on measurements, refer to the Active-HDL User Guide under: Tools | Waveform Viewer | Accelerated Waveform Viewer Window | Measurements.

    For printing, inserting, or removing measurements in the active Accelerated Waveform Viewer window, users can also use the measurement command.

    NOTE: For additional information on the measurement command, refer to the Active-HDL User Guide under: Active-HDL Macro Language | Macro Command Reference | measurement command.

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