Language assistant with templates and auto-complete

Category : Design Entry and Documentation

The Language Assistant is a tool designed to help you develop HDL or SystemC source code, and Aldec macro commands. It provides a number of templates with prepared pieces of a code. The core set of templates is comprised of:

  • Language templates with basic language constructs for VHDL, Verilog, Verilog2001, SystemVerilog, and SystemC.
  • Synthesis templates with synthesis-oriented implementations of basic functional blocks, like multiplexers, flip-flops, counters, etc.
  • Simulation templates with examples of constructs useful in simulation such as generating Clock or forcing signals, reading/writing from/to a file, comparing simulation results, etc.
  • Code Auto Complete with templates required by the Auto-Complete feature in the HDL Editor. By adding new templates to this group, you can extend the auto-complete functionality.
  • MATLAB Interface templates of routines that can be used to pass and manipulate scalar and vector values during the Active-HDL/MATLAB co-simulation.
  • Macro Commands templates with examples of basic macro commands useful in compilation, simulation, executing scripts, managing libraries, and viewing signals.
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