Aldec Customer Testimonials

NEC Corporation
NEC Corporation

"We used ALINT-PRO for static linting with many of our projects, we were able to ensure design quality in the upstream design. We requested new features and capabilities from Aldec to address our specific verification challenges and Aldec delivered."

- NEC Corporation

About NEC

In more than 120 years of history, NEC has nurtured world-class technologies and the capabilities to implement these technologies. We have a responsibility to transform these strengths into the concrete values of safety, security, fairness, and efficiency from the standpoint of the consumer, and to continuously deliver these values to society.

Public Solutions Business
NEC provides IT systems and network systems to local governments, medical institutions, electric power companies and others, while operating branch offices throughout Japan and developing business closely related to each region.

Public Infrastructure Business
NEC provides governments, governmental agencies and others with social infrastructure, such as large-scale mission-critical systems and network systems that enable people to live with peace of mind and comfort.

Enterprise Business
NEC provides IT solutions in manufacturing, retail and services, and finance in the private sector, helping customers to launch new services. We will resolve social issues and create value for customers through value chain innovation utilizing ICT assets as IoT and AI.

Network Services Business
NEC provides network control platform systems and operating services for operations management, along with equipment for network implementation. NEC's wealth of experience in large-scale network implementation and strong technical capabilities help us contribute to the resolution of social issues by providing safe, reliable, and efficient high-value-added networks for the age of IoT through the creation of value with our clients and business partners.

Global Business
NEC provides safer cities including public safety, digital government and digital finance, software services for service providers, and submarine systems for international markets. Utilizing advanced technologies related to AI and IoT, NEC contributes to solving social issues including the realization of safe, secure, efficient and fair communities. Orchestrating a brighter world.


NEC Corporation
7-1, Shiba 5-chome Minato-ku, Tokyo
108-8001 Japan

Aldec Tools:



ALINT-PRO™ is a fully automated verification environment which is intuitive and can be used with minimal training. Other products, including no-cost options, were considered however as a supported product, ALINT-PRO provides better continuity and is straightforward for engineers to engage with.”

“Aldec has provided continuous support on all aspects of the tool from general information to in-depth technical help. Of particular note, has been their willingness to investigate potential bugs and assist in configuring it to provide the maximum benefit to NEC.”
"Overall, we consider it to have been a worthwhile investment and are sure that its value to the company will increase as we continue to produce ever more complicated high speed digital electronics."

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