Aldec Customer Testimonials

Testimonial Intermotion

“RTL and gate-level simulation, testbench generation, data flow and code coverage analysis are all complex and time-consuming parts of creating IP designs.”

- Mick Fandrich, CEO & Founder of InterMotion

About InterMotion Technology

InterMotion Technology has an over decade-long history of developing innovative solutions that include ‘concept-to-deployment’ full service system development, mixed-signal board design and prototyping, complex algorithm design and data analysis, FPGA module IP development, development of mobile applications for iOS and Android, and Hosted Business Automation systems. InterMotion’s extensive experience with both FPGA IP definition and development allows company to bring flexibility to specific system implementation.

InterMotion Technology

Aldec Tools:


“Active-HDL has allowed our engineers to take full advantage of Aldec’s top-quality HDL simulator for FPGA verification. The graphical design tools ensured quick Code2Graphics conversion, while the FSM Editor provided an easy-to-use tool for FSM design. The resulting increase in capacity and considerable reduction in time and efforts have allowed our company to meet our customers’ expectations for quality, schedule and price.”


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