Aldec Customer Testimonials


"Daktronics enjoys the easy to use interface provided by Active-HDL. The right graphical tools such as top level block diagrams and state machines really improve our design productivity, and enable us to train new engineers quickly."

- Glenn Luke, Daktronics Product Manager

About Daktronics

Daktronics is recognized worldwide in its industry as the leading designer and manufacturer of electronic scoreboards, programmable display systems, and large screen video displays using light emitting diode (LED) technology. Other product lines include integrated sound systems for sports facilities and hoists and rigging systems for theatres and other entertainment and sports facilities.

Daktronics Products
• Audio Systems
• Message Displays
• Permanent Video Displays
• Scoreboards

Daktronics Inc.
201 Daktronics Drive
Brookings, SD 57006

Aldec Tools:



 “Daktronics leverages the easy to use platform Active-HDL provides for FPGA design and simulation to improve our engineers’ design productivity. With easy to access language assistance, top level block diagram and state machine tools, we are able to document our designs and train new engineers quickly. The testbench tools allow us to design unit tests to create reliable, feature-rich platforms regardless of which FPGA vendor is selected. The block diagram tool provides an excellent way to connect the IP blocks to make a meaningful, useful, graphical top level project. The state machine tool is perfect creating state machines that are understandable and maintainable. Daktronics really values the prompt customer service provided by Aldec and they are always willing to consider feature requests. This relationship over the years Daktronics has owned Active-HDL tools has been productive for designs large and small. Aldec’s quick response to new versions of the vendor specific tools and devices enable Daktronics to use the newest devices and cores as they are released.”

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