I installed a new version of Active-HDL and my design flow manager settings are removed? How do I restore them back?

Starting with Active-HDL 9.2SP1, we have implemented a backup mechanism in the incremental installer of Active-HDL that creates a copy of the existing design flow settings file. This back up file can be restored in order to retain your design flow manager settings.

Note: Each new release or service pack updates support to vendor tools in design flow manager. Reusing design flow manager settings from a previous version of Active-HDL will result in out-of-date vendor tool support.

Scenario 1: If you are installing Active-HDL 9.3 SP1 incremental build on top of Active-HDL 9.3

  • During the installation, back up of the design flow manger settings file will be created.
  • After installation, exit Active-HDL environment and go to your Active-HDL installation directory at <install_dir>\flows\Multivendor. You will notice following files.
  • In order to restore your previous design flow manager settings – rename New Settings file to something else. For example, flowtools.new. (Click ok to message that pops up during renaming)
  • Rename the backup copy file, which in this case is flowtools.93 to flowtools.dat. (Click ok to message that pops up during renaming)
  • After renaming both the file, it should look like below.
  • Open Active-HDL and verify that your previous design flow manger settings have been restored.

Scenario 2: If you are installing new version of Active-HDL and would like to bring your design flow manager settings form previous version to new version

  • Go to installation directory of your new Active-HDL version. For example, you just installed Active-HDL 9.3, then you will need to go to <install_dir>\Aldec\Active-HDL 9.3\flows\Multivendor
  • Rename flowtools.dat file to something else. For example, flowtools.new. (Click ok to message that pops up during renaming)
  • Now go to the previous installation of Active-HDL. For example, you were using Active-HDL 9.2, then you will need to go to <install_dir>\Aldec\Active-HDL 9.3\flows\Multivendor
  • Copy flowtools.dat file from this location and paste it to your new Active-HDL installation directory at <install_dir>\Aldec\Active-HDL 9.3\flows\Multivendor
  • Open Active-HDL and verify that your previous design flow manger settings have been restored.
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