How do you build a job queue for running emulation using HES-DVM? Can I submit the emulation jobs without the manual control? Please advise how to build multi-user environment for HES emulation.


RBC/RBS - Client/Server Boards Management Tools

RBC/RBS are board management tools and they are installed with HES-DVM. If a HES board is installed on a network server and accessed by multiple users RBC/RBS tools should be used to control access to the board.


RBS is a server application that should be run on the server where HES board is installed. It provides ticketing mechanism to users of the board. It also implements board access queue.

RBS provides information what boards are installed on the server and what is status of each board. A user can verify if a specific board is available on the server and if the board is free or occupied by another user. If the requested board is free the user can lock the board and start using its resources. If the requested board is occupied by a user the RBS can queue requests from other users. If the board is released the RBS automatically locks the board for the first user in the queue and sends to back information about board availability and board access token.

Starting RBS

RBS should be started on the network machine by executing the following command:

<DVMDIR>/rbs <DVMDIR>/cfg/rbs_config.xml

The config.xml file contains configuration information for the sever like TCP port number for communication with clients. Example of configuration file is included in HES-DVM installation directory <DVMDIR>/cfg/rbs_config.xml.


RBC is a client application that communicates with RBS server in order to obtain access token to the board.

The client application can be run on remote machine or the same machine as server by executing the following command:

<DVMDIR>/rbc -timeout 10 -user {} -passwd {} -nettimeout 60 -host rbs-hostname:5555 lock 0'

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