Aldec Customer Testimonials


“(With Riviera-PRO) we have been successfully simulating our most complex video compression and encryption cores with excellent (simulation and debugging) results.”

- Ocean Logic

About Ocean Logic

Ocean Logic Pty Ltd is a small company that develops and sells multimedia and encryption IP cores.

The company's product line includes H.264, AES, DES, Triple DES, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and other soft cores.


Ocean Logic Pty Ltd
PO Box 768
Manly NSW, 1655 Australia

Aldec Tools:



“Prior to switching over to Aldec, we verified our HDL designs with tools from another vendor for over 5 years... until 2012. We had the opportunity to evaluate Riviera-PRO via Aldec's Australian distribution team. We were (and still are!) impressed with the level of price and performance. We have been successfully simulating our most complex video compression and encryption cores with excellent (simulation and debugging) results. This combined with Riviera's user-friendly GUI, Aldec's support service and regular updates, it is now our tool of choice for current and future designs.”

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